Parents are asked to pay an annual voluntary contribution for each child at the school. These funds are used to provide additional resources for all students to use, such as:
- Regular access to internet and apps to support learning areas
- Consumables
- Music, sporting and science resources
- Library books
The contribution for 2024 is $60.00 per child which equates to $1.50 per school week for the year.
We appreciate full or partial payment, and encourage periodical payments if you prefer:
· $30.00 per semester · $15.00 per term · $ 5.00 per month
Please consider making this contribution if you haven't already done so and thank you for your support.
All Pre-primary to Year 6 students will require the CARS and STARS workbooks as part of the literacy comprehension program, at a cost of $35.20. Your child will be allocated the appropriate level books by their teacher and these will be distributed in the classrooms. Payment is required prior to issue and can be made using either of the methods below.
Payment for Voluntary Contributions, Cars and Stars and other student charges can be made as follows:
- Direct Deposit – This is the school’s preferred method of payment. You can pay for multiple children and/or charges in one transaction. Please ensure clear details are included in the reference field to identify the payments being made. ** NB You do NOT need to email the receipt to the school.
Account Name: Jandakot Primary School
BSB: 016 268 Account Number: 3408 18933
Reference: Child/Family name and item being paid
- Cash/Cheque Payment – Via the drop box in the school office. Please complete a payment envelope, enclose the correct amount of cash/cheque, and drop the envelope into the drop box. Please have your child drop off the envelope where appropriate. You can pay for multiple children and/or charges in the one envelope. Please ensure all sections of the payment envelope are completed clearly. Spare envelopes are available from your child’s classroom teacher and the school office. NB. Money/payment envelopes are NOT to be given to the classroom teacher.