Applications for Enrolment may be emailed to, sent by post or dropped in the school's mail box. Applications may be submitted in person. If you have any queries regarding this, please call the school office on 6174 2700.
Applications for Enrolment are open for all year levels.
Jandakot Primary School is a local-intake area school which caters for students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Please check you address on the map below.
To apply to enrol your child at our school, please complete the Application for Enrolment form. Please provide your child's Birth Certificate, Australian Immunisation Register History Statement, Proof of Address and other relevant documents as listed on the Application form with the application.
** NB: If sending photos of documents, please ensure they are in JPEG or PNG format only.
Please read the information in the link below which will assist with the process of submitting an Application for Enrolment for Kindergarten.
Kindergarten Enrolment Process
Please select the link below to access the Application for Enrolment information and form (Kindergarten to Year 6) .
Please read the information below to ensure that you obtain the correct Immunisation Documents to submit with your Application for Enrolment.
Immunisation Support Information for Parents
Please only submit the 2 page Application for Enrolment Form - pages 1-4 of the form are for your information.
Our school uses CONNECT as the main form of parent communication. Further information will be provided to families upon confirmation of enrolment.
482 (previously 457) Visa Holders Tuition Fee Information
In 2015 the Western Australian Government introduced a tuition fee for families on 457 Visas (temporary skilled workers) whose children attend public schools in WA. Please refer to the TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) website for further information: